Biology Paper 1
In this Paper you will cover Topics B1 (Biology Chapter 1) to B9.
B1 = Cell structure and Transport
B2 = Cell Division
B3 = Organisation and Digestive system
B4 = Organising animals and plants
B5 = Communicable Diseases
B6 = Preventing and Treating Diseases
B7 = Non-Communicable Diseases
B8 = Photosynthesis
B9 = Respiration
B1 = Cell structure and Transport
B2 = Cell Division
B3 = Organisation and Digestive system
B4 = Organising animals and plants
B5 = Communicable Diseases
B6 = Preventing and Treating Diseases
B7 = Non-Communicable Diseases
B8 = Photosynthesis
B9 = Respiration
Personalised Learning Checklists (PLCs)
Use the personal check points to track your progress (R = Red, I don't know, A = Amber, Know some, G = Green, Know it will smash any question for full marks)
CGP Workbook Markschemes
The first markscheme is for Separate Biology workbook
The second markscheme = All combined Biology workbook answers for both paper 1 and 2 are found here