P8 - Forces in Balance
Exam Question Packs and Mark schemes
Whats the difference between Scalar and Vector measurements? This video will explain the subtle difference. |
The difference between distance and displacement is covered in this short video. |
How forces interact with objects (Newton's 3rd law) is discussed in this elegant video. |
Another Forces video but for all you football fans out there - the Physics behind the Roberto Carlos wonder free-kick for Brazil against France. |
Ever thought that having the Flash's super speed would be cool. This video takes you through all the problems and fits in some nice physics principles along with it. |
What is the centre of mass and how can we work it out? This video will take you through the main principles. |
This video talks you through examples of working out the parallelogram of forces (This is only required if you are taking the Higher Tier Exams) |
Moments and levers are covered in this video which uses old GCSE questions to help you understand. (Separate Science Physics Students only) |
Video to help you understand how gears work (Separate Physics Students only). |