Chapter 19 - Genetics of Living Systems
A-Level Science Articles
The following articles will help to explain and deepen your understanding and knowledge of topics linked to this module. You could use them to build a mindmap, make a key word glossary or simply annotate them so you understand them in your own way.
Before we get started on all the Genetic modules, this video will remind you of the basics of DNA |
This video gives an excellent summary of all the different types of mutations |
This video (done in the style of 'Ren & Stimpy' shows you the huge knock on effect, a mutation in your DNA affects the biochemistry and phenotype of an individual suffering from sickle cell anemia. |
The Lac Operon discussed clearly in this animation |
A lovely animation explaining the different types of mutations |
A good animation showing protein synthesis but more importantly how chemicals outside the cell can influence what happens in the cell |
Another crash course - this time looking at how organism development is controlled by the genes |
Exam questions and Activities
Mark schemes
Revision Notes